As well, Gingolx chief and councillors sit on the Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisga’a (WSN), a 36 member legislative body for the whole Nisga’a Nation. The Gingolx Chief also sits on the WSN Executive.

Together with the Council of Elders and three Urban Locals (representing Nisga’a communities in urban centres), these bodies make up the Nisga’a Lisims Government. For a diagram of the Nisga’a Lisims Government that shows the structure of this multi-tiered, federated model, click here.

The Gingolx Village Government (GVG) is made up of a chief and five councillors.

These elected officials oversee Gingolx Village policies, programs, budget, and laws, aided by professional staff.

Elections are held every four years.

Nisga’a Treaty

The Nisga’a treaty was the first modern treaty in British Columbia and came out of over 110 years of effort by the Nisga’a people. This long journey starting 1887 when Nisga’a chiefs travelled by water to Victoria to ask for their land back, only to be turned away at the legislature by the Premier.

This did not deter the Nisga’a from continuing to campaign and negotiate for self-determination until they achieved their aims, making history and bringing in a new era of hope and goodwill.

The federated governance structure has been in place since the year 2000, when the Nisga’a Treaty was signed.

The treaty enshrines self-government and recognizes Nisga’a sovereignty over their lands.

Chief and Council

Nathaniel Alexcee
Chief Councillor

Darnell Stewart Sr
Deputy Chief


John F Moore
Claude Barton
Mary-Lee Watts
John Stewart 

Council Meetings

Council meetings are held every third Wednesday and Thursday of the month at the Government Building. Gingolx community members are generally welcome to attend. As we continue to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts, we may be holding virtual meetings and/or limiting public attendance at in-person meetings if necessary.

Learn about upcoming meetings in the community calendar.

Keep up with events and announcements via our Gingolx Government Facebook Page.


Community Charter


Official Community Plan