Seafood Capital of the Nass
About Gingolx
Perched on the edge of the land where the Nass River empties into Portland Inlet lies the Nisga’a Village of Gingolx.
Gingolx (pop roughly 500) means “place of scalps,” a historic warning to would-be conquerors that the Gingolx people are determined to protect their land, resources, and way of life. Today, that fierce pride is expressed though self-government and the continuance of traditional culture and language, and through offering a warm welcome to visitors from around the world.
Gingolx Lodge
Contact Us
For Members
This site offers a portal to community services, programs, and facilities. Book the rec centre or longhouse, learn about education programs for you or your children, apply for a renovation grant, find information about your local government, and more.
For Visitors
This site provides a welcoming visitors’ guide. Gingolx remains largely undiscovered by the tourism industry, offering guests an authentic experience of majestic, unspoiled nature and rich Indigenous culture. You’ll find everything you need here to plan your trip, including on-line booking for the Gingolx Lodge and the Gingolx Community Campgrounds.
Book the Gingolx Lodge
Located in the heart of Gingolx, the Lodge is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike, offering fresh baked goods, slushies, frozen yogurt, and coffee.