The Gingolx Village Government maintains the registry of Nisga’a citizens in Gingolx. Eligibility for citizenship is defined in the Nisga’a Final Agreement.
Below are forms for enrolling as a Nisga’a citizen, registering a new baby, getting a health card, transferring to Gingolx from another location, changing personal information in the registry, marriage registration, and getting or changing a citizenship card. The Gingolx Village Government maintains the registry of Nisga’a citizens in Gingolx. Eligibility for citizenship is defined in the Nisga’a Final Agreement. Below are forms for enrolling as a Nisga’a citizen, registering a new baby, getting a health card, transferring to Gingolx from another location, changing personal information in the registry, marriage registration, and getting or changing a citizenship card.
Applications for Registering a Child
Parental Consent for Minor
Birth Registration with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (INAC)
Nisga’a Non Insured Health Benefits Card
Health Benefits card with Nisga’a Valley Health Authority
Nisga’a Citizen Enrollment Application
Registering with Nisga’a Lisims Government Enrollment Department as a Nisga’a Citizen
Other Forms
Statement of Consent Transfer of Minor
Transfer of a Minor from another Band or Nisga’a Village to Gingolx
Statement of Consent Transfer of Adult
Transfer of a Adult from another Band or Nisga’a Village to Gingolx
Request to Amend Individual Info.
Request to Amend Information in the Indian Registration System (add an alias, revert to birth name, request a new number)
Declaration of Surname on Marriage
Request to Register your Marriage in the Indian Registration System (change to your married name or register your marriage and remain with maiden name)
Nisga’a Citizen Change of Address Form
Nisga’a Citizenship Department Change Form – change of address, change of contact info, change of name, correction, death notice, elders package, change of district
Nisga’a Citizen Card Application
Renewal of Nisga’a Citizen ID Card – email photo and application to to receive your card in the mail.